This is the branch concerned with the design, development, manufacturing, testing and maintenance of various electrical and electronic equipments. All the new design of mobiles, i-pod, music system, electronic
voting machines, radars, navigation system and other communication gadegts are brought about by these engineers by apl scientific principles in desing and analysis of electronic systems. Career in army
and other security departments of the country are in dire need of these engineers to face the new challenges. |
Growth Opportunities Fabulous career awaits the electronics & communication engineers in this world of ever expanding chip -technology. Career can also be shaped in related fields
like aeronautics, radar technology, automation devices, electronic-consumer goods and so on. Specialized career can be made in Indian Army, CBI, Police dept etc. Sky is the limit for the dedicated students
in terms of growth and emoluments. |
Programme Details |
1 |
No. of Seats Approved |
60 |
2 |
Eligibility |
10+2 non-medical |
3 |
Duration |
4 years (Eight Semesters) |
4 |
Fee Details |
As per Punjab Govt. & PTU Norms |
Department of Electronics & Comm. Engineering
Electronices Wokshop |
Electronices Lab |
Digital Electronices Lab |
Electronices Lab-II |
Microprocessor Lab |
Microwave Lab |
Electronices Measurement Lab |