 Computer Lab
 Counselling Cell
 M . K. School of Engg. & Tech.
 M. K. School of Management
Courses Offered
Computer Science & Engg.
Electronics & Comm. Engg.
Mechanical Engg.
Civil Engg.
  Hotel Management
1 Year Diploma in HM
  Polytechnic Diploma
Mechanical Engg.
Civil Engg.
  Other Courses
B.Sc. (Agriculture)
  The institute provides for separate boys and girls rented hostel for the students who belong to nearby locations. Meals are provided thrice and are cooked in most hygienic conditions The ambience of the hostel premises is peaceful and conductive for learning. The hostel is well connected with public transport for easy movability and is located near general market place. The rooms are on sharing basis and are well furnished. Very soon on campus hostel facility shall also be made available to the students.